We can guide you through the planning application and, if required, associated listed building and conservation area consent processes, ensuring their smooth progress. That includes discussing the principle of any proposed development with the application case officer, negotiating details of the development, identifying relevant third parties and co-ordinating specialist input (such as architects, transport planners/engineers, environmental consultants, noise engineers etc.), preparing a planning statement in support of your application, and appearing at any relevant planning authority meetings or hearings to put forward the case for this being approved.
If your architect or another agent is project managing the submission of your planning application, we can still add value by preparing a planning statement to accompany that, setting out how your proposals comply with relevant national, regional and local planning policies, as well as identifying any other material considerations which support it being approved.
In all cases, our early input in the planning application process is beneficial in terms of optimising the likelihood of planning permission being granted. However, if your planning application has been refused, you have the right to appeal that decision, either to Scottish Ministers or to the planning authority’s Local Review Body, and we can advise on the prospects of your appeal being successful, guide you through the process, and manage this for you. We can also appeal against conditions which have been inappropriately attached to the granting of a planning consent, or in circumstances where the planning authority has failed to determine an application within the statutory time periods.