ACVO Lunch and Learn – 10 May 2018

Having recently joined the ACVO affiliates scheme, we’re excited to be offering a lunch and learn event  on Thursday 10 May, giving an overview of the planning system and how people can engage and get their voices heard in this, as well as accessing support for taking forward community led development through community asset transfer and more.

This is kindly organised and hosted by ACVO, the Third Sector Interface for Aberdeen City, whcih exists to develop, involve, represent and support the voluntary, charity, and social enterprise organisations in Aberdeen. More information on ACVO, and what they do, is available here. 

We hope this will be an opportunity for those across the third sector to find out more about how the planning system can be made to work for everyone, with a focus on how communities can maximise the benefits of any development, whether that is promoted by themselves or by others.

For more information and to register, please click here.

Date: Thursday 10 May 2018

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

Location: ACVO, 38 Castle Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5YU


Thanks for reading, and hope to see you there!


Maggie and Pippa


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